Leading Priestess Mentor and Goddess Expert Demelza Fox presents:

Dedicate your goddess path to the nourishment, love and creation of BEAUTY!

It's time to reclaim your truth as a Messenger of Divine Beauty and see your love of all things art and beauty for what it is - a powerful priestess practice that brings much-needed love and enchantment to the world.

It's time to stop pretending that beauty isn't the whole point of your existence.

It's time to claim yourself as a sacred Messenger of Beauty.

Step into your birthright.

Understand fully what it means to be a Devotee or a Priestess of Beauty and step into your soul’s path as an agent of beauty in the world. Sanctify, sacralise and honour your gifts as the work of the Goddess. FINALLY. Be the priestess you were born to be.

Unlearn the conditioning that taught you that beauty is shallow, self absorbed and pointless...

... and instead understand your undeniable instinct and hunger for beauty for what it is - a potent, sacred spiritual power that uplifts the world and connects you with the divine.

Be the hands of the Goddess of Love in the world

The goddess of beauty is the goddess of love, and it's time to know yourself as her agent in the world. You will live as an embodied vessel of her loving, generous blessings in the world!

Release any feelings of competition, struggle and not-enoughness in your art practice.. 

...as you feel deep ease and peace as you reframe your artist’s practice as a glorious form of devotion that fills and satisfies you spiritually. It's for YOU and for the GODDESS - no-one else.


In ancient times, priestesses were architects of beauty: temple dancers, ceremonialists, artists, perfume makers and living embodiments of love.

This class is for you if:

  • You are an artist of any kind or level who has been disillusioned by the way capitalism treats your work as worthless but you still need to create to be happy... it's just got so tangled up now you aren't sure what the point is any more.
  • You know in your bones that beauty is all important, sacred and utterly magical, and you are tired of pretending that it's not true. You are ready to go full in and understand how this thing you love can really change the world and be the truest connection to the divine in your toolbox.
  • You are a passionate connoisseur of beauty - wether that's couture fashion shows, interior design, perfume, stately homes or watching ballet on Youtube - and you want to know how to honour this as holy and important

You don't have to be a professional artist, dancer, designer or anything to do this class - you just need to love beauty. That's all.

It works whether you are a painter creating masterpieces or someone who just things that peonies are the most heavenly thing in existence.

All you need is an appreciation of beauty and a knowing that on some level, there is something really magical for you here.

Are you ready remember who you are and become a modern-day devotee or priestess of beauty?

What we do in this class.

  • We will work on the many faceted arts and skills of the Priestesses of Beauty - from energy tending, adornment, perfumery, temple tending and space clearing, to practices of anointing, blessing and sensuality.
  • We will learn how to consecrate and devote our existing practices of beauty - whether that is through our daily makeup, our artists practice, our dance, our tea making, our oil blending, our gardening or whatever - and transform it into a sacred form of devotion and blessing. 
  • We will enter into a series of powerful ceremonies to awaken and anchor this new paradigm into our bodies, so we can live the rest of our lives knowing the true value of beauty and our work as a divine messenger of beauty.

.... and as part of working this class, we come deeper into embodiment of the Goddess in our life. We step into our higher selves as we give ourselves full permission to love, tend, adore and create a more beautiful world.

What you get:

Messengers of Beauty is a eight-part self-study course - here is what you will learn in our time together!

Part 1: The Awakening

  • Awaken your path as a devotee of beauty through a potent ritual and deepen into your personal role as a sacred messenger of beauty.
  • Learn clearly what it means to walk as a Venusian Devotee of Beauty in the world and discover devotional practices to attune yourself to your sacred mission throughout the day

Value: £200

Part 2: The Unbinding

  • Break up with the old patriarchal paradigm that seduced you into ignoring and belittling this holy part of yourself through a powerful ritual designed to cleanse and heal.
  • Learn tools to help you whenever you find yourself falling back into old patterns and not taking your beauty devotion seriously.

Value: £200

Part 3: Beauty Practice

  • Learn about revered sacred texts that position beauty as a highest divine art and feel legitimised in your calling
  • Learn the ancient greek art of Kosmesis (and art of the ancient priestesses of the goddess that they took very seriously) and how to set the stage for beauty
  • Take part in a powerful ancient anointing practice to prepare your vessel as a channel for creating and adoring beauty/the divine

Value: £200

Part 4: The Softening

  • Awaken and initiate your senses to see perceive and feel beauty in a beautiful ceremony designed to fine tune your vessel so you may soften into a receptive state, ready to allow they world to dazzle you
  • Learn how to transform your home into a temple using energetic and aesthetic techniques - I am giving you full permission to make creating a beautiful and radiant home your top priority! It IS important!
  • Take part in a powerful ancient anointing practice to prepare your vessel as a channel for creating and adoring beauty/the divine

Value: £200

Part 5: Embodiment of Beauty

  • Craft a Sadhna, a sacred spiritual discipline of beauty. What will you devote to as your spiritual practice?
  • Begin to practice your beauty arts as a sacred devotional offering to the divine. What changes when you allow your artistry and appreciation to be the channel for divine connection?

Value: £200

Part 6: The Living Goddess

  • With our divine guest teacher Shantala Surya you will dive deeper into the mysteries of EMBODYING the goddess of love and BEING the divine in the world. This truly is the deeper art of the priestess and what we are all stepping into as devotees of love - we are the hands of the goddess at work in the world.
  • Call in your spiritual allies to help you step into your path and work with your ancestors to bring you luck and love in your endeavours.

Value: £200

Part 7: Dedication

  • Join our powerful ceremony to dedicate as a Devotee of Beauty and become the Vessel of the Goddess - both to weave more beauty into the world, and to wonder at and dance in the miracle that is being alive
  • Work a powerful five-day practice pulling together all of the beauty tools we have been learning so far, and feel yourself anchor and rest in the truth of who you are - ahhhh, yes. This is who I am.

Value: £200

Part 6: Queen of Beauty

  • Learn the skills of the Queen and learn how to step into full empowerment as a Venus woman in the world
  • Create clear boundaries and desires regarding your beauty devotion so never again will you discredit and devalue the magic you bring to the world.

Value: £200

Total Value: £1600

Are you ready to transform your relationship with beauty?

I am in awe to experience and witness the unconditional love, acceptance, and magic that is conjured in the sacred containers that Demi creates!"

Intuitively in Oneness with the Divine, Demi holds a safe and judgement free space for alchemy and transformation to occur. I’m full of gratitude for the quantum healing and wholeness I’ve experienced over the last 2 years in her Mystery Schools and beyond.

Thank you Demi!"

- Cynthia, Shamanic Healer


If you are sick of trying to fit yourself into a world that doesn't value or understand art, colour, dance, flavour and the vital importance of making things beautiful...

.. this class was made for you.

Full Course Value: £1600+

“Demi is approachable in every way and happy to share so much information – she doesn’t put herself on a pedestal like some leaders do, and she clearly cares about her students and the material she is presenting. She’s a delight. As a teacher myself, I know that not everyone is built to teach, even though many people think anyone can do it. Demi can do it, and she is damn good at it. I admire her very much from a professional and personal standpoint.”

– Rose

Want more Goddess of Love Goodness?

You can join the Messengers of Beauty AND get Aphrodite Rites, my powerful 6+ ceremony initiation into the energy and magic of Aphrodite, at a WILD bundle deal this Black Friday week only!

You can go check out Aphrodite Rites here: Click Here!


Let beauty be your practice!

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I am ready to claim myself as a Priestess of Beauty!

Register below for Messengers of Beauty and reclaim yourself as a sacred priestess of beauty TODAY: we have a course-only option, or an opportunity to take my deep dive Aphrodite class alongside Messengers of Beauty - perfect for deepening your embodiment as a messenger of love and beauty in the world.

Messengers of Beauty

Join us for the powerful VENUS WORKING online course!

  • The Messengers of Beauty Course
  • Enrollment in Aphrodite Rites (Value: 222)

Pay In Full: £444

Part Payment Plan: 4 x monthly payments of £111


Messengers of Beauty

Aphrodite Priestess

Want to dive in deeper and really immerse yourself in the priestess path of the Goddess of Love?

Join at the Aphrodite Priestess level and gain access to my powerful, paradigm shifting 6 session ceremonial class (Usual price: £444) that initiates you in the arts and energies of Aphrodite!

  • The Messengers of Beauty Course
  • Enrollment in Aphrodite Rites

Pay in Full Price: £777

Part Payment Plan - 8 x monthly payments of £97

register for messengers of beauty ⭐  register for messengers of beauty ⭐  register for messengers of beauty

"Do this course. You will fall in love with the real you...with so much overflowing joy spilling from your heart...it's contagious!."

Apsara S

About your guide, Demi

I, Demi, am a practical, working Priestess of the Goddess and have been working with Venusian energies intimately for the last six years, including becoming a Priestess of Rhiannon (as the Celtic Goddess of Love) through taking an in-depth two-year training in Glastonbury in order to further my devotion to her, enrolling in Aphrodite Priestess Training in Rome, Italy and training as a Scent Priestess.

I'm known for creating powerful rituals and super badass meditations, and for presenting pathways to Goddess Spirituality in a fun down-to-earth way.

I live and work full-time as a Priestess, initiating women into the mysteries of Morgan le Fay and Venus, running women's circles, red tents, dance classes, retreats and rituals for my community. 

I have also spent much of the last ten years of my life as an artist. 

After three years in art school studying painting and drawing, I followed my heart to become a belly dancer and travelled the world to train and become a master of my art. I learnt how to sew, became an award winning burlesque dancer, made my own mermaid tails when I was a professional mermaid, and painted tarot card portraits.

In the last six years I have deepened into my study of sacred dance, travelling to Brazil to learn the dance of the Orixia saints and immersing myself in the study of the classical Indian temple dance art of Odissi for the last five years. 

Beauty and creativity has been the driving force of my whole life.

I am offering this series of rituals, deepening, activations and practices as a direct inspiration of my work with my own artist's practice and from my initiations with Venus Aphrodite over the last two years. 

I would be so honoured if you would join me as a Council Sister on this magical journey into divine grace, self-honouring, desire and above all, honouring our truest natures as Devotees of all that is Beautiful in the world.

"I've had the pleasure of taking several courses with Demi Fox and count her teachings as one of the biggest influences on my spiritual practice and journey as a witch. The thing I love the most about Demi is how real she is. She has this gift of being able to straddle the chasm between being utterly pragmatic and also divinely magickal and she's so incredibly good at teaching others how to do the same. When I take a course from Demi, I never feel bad about myself for not being enough or doing enough. She's learned how to embody the divine through the mundanity of real life, which when it comes down to it, is what this work is all about."