Headmistress of the Morgan le Fay Mystery School, Demelza Fox presents:

Step into your calling and be the priestess you were always destined to become

Begins 27th April 2024 : Enquire Now!
Is this for you? Apply Now!

Are you ready to FINALLY step into your dream of being a practicing priestess?

Are you ready to get the training you need to serve your community?

Learn to hold ceremonies, rites of passage, circles and more... and have the accountability and support to ACTUALLY FLIPPING DO IT?

The Priestesshood of Avalon is calling.

Your whole heart is longing to be the archetype of the Priestess in your neighbourhood and be the one who guides others through their rites of passage - through birth, death and transformation.

To create beautiful portals of the sacred for others to experience, bring presence and peace to the hearts of those around you, and to be the hands of love in the world.

To be fully YOU, 100% in service.

And maybe it feels scary to acknowledge this dream, or perhaps it feels so vulnerable and even dangerous to be seen as Priestess, or you feel like you could never be worthy of this honour in a million years.

But this is what you are. The world needs you.

This is your destiny, to once again weave Avalon into the world.

The world needs YOU and your divine feminine leadership right now.

It's a desperate need for our shifting, disconnected world. Our culture is crying out for priestesses who can weave communities back together and bring sacredness and meaning back into modern life.

Are you ready to answer the call?

If you are drawn to the celtic path of the priestess, this training program is for you.

Join the Morgan le Fay Mystery School Priestess of Avalon training

🔥 Become an utterly masterful and magnetic ceremonial priestess, so talented at holding transformative experiences for other people that people whisper your name and say - “they’re the real deal”

🔥 Train as a true Priestess of Avalon, bathed in the heart energies of Avalon and leading with the fierce truth of Morgan le Fay - become a shapeshifter and veil-walker who is unafraid of death and power.

🔥 Step into your true full divine feminine leadership as you shed old ways of power and control and take up your throne as a role model and pioneer for heart-lead, gentle and effective leadership in your community.

🔥 Become the one who can confidently hold people in their darkest hour and honor the difficult passages of life without looking away or being a dick about it. Get trauma informed so that you can help rather than hurt the people who come to you for spiritual and emotional assistance.

🔥 Be supported to become the priestess you DREAM of being, and get all the knowledge and experience you need to feel utterly confident at your life calling while being taught and supported by a faculty of world-class priestesses, scholars and priests - utter rockstars in their field

🔥 Build a spiritual community to serve and support - and grow your own spiritual siblinghood to hold, champion and cheer you as you fulfill your priestess dreams.

🔥 Learn how to find the people in your area who need your work - never need to feel like your work is frivolous and undervalued again as you fill your schedule, your events and your client roster with people who say again and again "thank god I found you!"

By the end of this 13-month certified and accredited training you will be a confident, masterful priestess, having already started running circles, community groups, online courses and holding ceremonies for people who need it - and you will know exactly what you need to do next to expand and prosper.


"Hands down ... Demelza is truly the best guide for women that are serious about grounding into their Priestess practice with the mysteries of Morgan LeFay.

There is no one else out there who is capable of holding space so powerfully both online and in person!"

- Kris Seraphine Phd.
Archetypal branding coach and goddess channel

The Morgan le Fay Mystery School
Priestess of Avalon Training

The Morgan le Fay Priestess of Avalon Training is a 13-month training to learn the DOING arts and skills of a Priestess of Avalon - all the practical, public-facing work a priestess does, from running retreats to circles, leading wedding ceremonies and marketing red tents, to creating your own inspired offerings by merging your priestess work with your passions...

... all rooted in deep devotion and connection with the Goddess and the magic of Avalon. 

It’s made for people who want to go all in and be really fucking good at what they do. 

People whose destiny is to be a modern day Priestess of Avalon, a living chalice of the Goddess in the world.

Over nine months you will train in the key arts of a Priestess of Avalon -

💙 the Rites of Sisterhood (leadership, group circles and community), 

❤️ the Rites of Life and Celebration (handfastings, ceremonies and rituals) 

🖤 the Rites of the Underworld (death priestessing, grief and loss.)

Why a Priestess of Avalon?

A Priestess of Avalon is an artist of transformation and a messenger of love and magic. They live in devotion to Avalon, the celtic otherworldly isle of deep wisdom, love, transformation and magic, and have a calling to bring Avalon back into the physical world by embodying Avalonian values, skills and energy.

Avalon is our inspiration, our energetic blue-print for living in alignment with the Goddess and in harmony with the Sacred.

A Priestess of Avalon is devoted to the Divine, to the goddess, and the alchemical arts of transformation. She is a powerful ceremonialist, an oracle of the goddess, a magician who can manifest her desires into reality - and she is unafraid to roll up her sleeves and get the real work done.

She is dedicated to sisterhood, community and shared power, honours the paths of the underworld and has the ability to look at and love the dark and the difficult without turning away.

She is the human hands of the goddess in the word.

are you ready to study the true priestess arts of avalon?

join us for in-person

dream-come-true retreats

You will be given the opportunity to join in council with your fellow priestesses-in-training and hone your priestessing skills at our two incredible and dreamy retreats - one held in Glastonbury UK, and one held at the sacred waterfall sanctuary of St Nectan's Glen in Cornwall UK.

Imagine - two five-day priestess immersions in some of the most sacred landscapes of the British isles, spending each day in ceremony and devotion with your sister siblings, learning badass priestess skills by day and initiating through ceremony by night?

Could there be anything more exciting than attending an in-person priestess school where every day you live in a rhythm of devotion and learn and practice incredible skills, whilst being surrounded by some of the most sacred landscapes of the British isles?

No, there could not. It’s literal heaven.  

are you ready to initiate as a priestess in the sacred celtic landscape?

Support to Shine

After your nine month training, you have four months of private and group support to transform all your learning into a totally unique-to-you public practice and really step into your rockstar priestess vocation with a bang. 

You are going to pull together all the amazing skills that you have learned and craft a powerful priestess practice that is PERFECT for you, adapted to your community, incorporating your own special skills, superpowers and passions…

...and have the accountability and support to ACTUALLY DO IT.  


No backing out now. This is happening - the world needs you.

Most priestess trainings teach you the skills and then leave you to figure out the rest on your own - leading to years of trying to unsuccessfully fill your events, find people for your circles, and second guessing yourself until you give.

Not this training.

We are committed to supporting you, kicking your ass, reminding you of who you are and what you want so that you are DOING your priestess work in the world and living your dreams.

We are going to figure out exactly what your dream priestessing practice looks like, tailor it to your other skills, personality and local community, and help you with packaging and marketing so you know exactly what to do and are supported the whole way.

You leave this incredible priestess college with shameless confidence, utterly masterful priestessing skills, a crystal-clear vision for what you want to do with your spiritual service moving forward and a physical plan of how you are going to do that...

...including how you will market your gifts and find the folk who are desperately seeking you.

And that's not to mention making lifelong friends and being in a support system to hold you as you continue to do your work and a deeper love of your life's purpose.

After you complete all your assignments (including reports of your priestessing adventures and essays, like priestess Hogwarts!) you will receive Accredited Certification as a Priestess of Avalon, and be eligible to get international insurance for your practice... meaning it will be that much easier to earn the trust of the venues you want to work at. Professional to a t!

"Demelza is a highly experienced, deeply trained and incredibly talented ceremonial priestess.

To be in a ceremonial space held by Demelza is to be gifted with an entrance way and a portal into the many different faces of the goddess. If you have the opportunity to deepen with Demelza's medicine and beauty I would highly recommend it! You will not be sorry that you took the time to receive her offering, PERIOD! "

- Elayne Kalila Doughty
Focaliser and founder of Priestess Presence

Why Morgan Le Fay?

Complicated, contradictory, challenging and always changing, Morgan le Fay is our perfect goddess and guide to lead us into the priestesshood of Avalon.

She's a celtic healer goddess of sovereignty, Sister Queen of the sacred Isle of Avalon, and a witch and magician to boot. She is the Lady of the Lake, the keeper of the Sword of Truth, and the midwife of priestesses and witches.

As a dark goddess, she holds the paths to the underworld - she is death doula, crow woman, shadow walker and truth teller. She challenges you to hold the darkness and live your truth.

As a bright goddess, she holds the faery path of love and joy - she is spiritual union, healing, truth and enchantment. She teaches you that life is magical, and opens you to receive her ecstacy.

Morgan le Fay holds the skills of the Priestesses of Avalon, and this training is designed to train you in her priestessing powers.

She will challenge you to step up into your power, into the truth of who and what you are and will not let you shrink in your service.

"Stepping into space with Demi was like opening the door to a tele-transporter to a world of feminine, mystical delight.

By being held and lead in ritual she brought forth the ancient and much needed role of Priestess, guiding and blessing each one of the women in stepping into our commitments with no looking back. She showed me that we can dance whilst making breakfast- just for the sheer joy of it!

- Helen
Attendee of the Spellbound Retreat

Claim Your Space NOW!

The Training

Our in-depth Practical Priestess of Avalon curriculum will teach you everything you need to know to be a luminary priestess and a divine feminine leader to be reckoned with - these are skills that you will use over and over for your whole lifetime.

We have five core modules and two life-changing retreats - read on to learn more!

The Rites of Sisterhood. 

Avalon is a place of community, a land of sisterhood - Morgan rules as the head of nine sister-queens who co-operate together to create a queendom of beauty and harmony. As priestesses of Avalon we mirror these skills and step into our own power, learning how to lead, create amazing group circles and ceremony, and care for our community.

  • Learn how to hold and host powerful circles and group events in your community (both in person and online) and become a masterful facilitator who transforms people’s lives.
  • Be able to skillfully hold women’s circles, red tents, death cafes, singing circles and ceremonial circles…
  • … and be supported in adapting each of the above to be of service to your local community. We know that not every town is super witch-positive, so we will support you to find ways to create community and circles even in a more conservative part of the world.
  • Go deeper and learn how to navigate the more challenging sides of being a leader - from getting trauma informed so you help rather than harm, to becoming accomplished at compassionate communication, to learning how to navigate community gossip and fear. You will be able to deal with ANYTHING that comes your way after this training.
  • Unlearn the toxic power-struggle and hierarchy-based forms of leadership our world is based on and stand out as a heart-aligned leader rooted in equality and the divine feminine. Know that there is a way to lead that is outside the toxic power-over model that disgusts you and instead become a pillar of light and hope in the world as you lead from an open heart and a compassionate informed mind. 

Rites of Life

As a priestess our purpose is to celebrate and anchor moments of presence into the lives our those we serve. As celebrants we are able to create powerful and meaningful ceremonies that bring great joy into people’s lives!

  • Learn the skills of rockstar ceremonialists, discover your own personal ceremonial superpowers and feel cool as a cucumber as you create and perform ceremonies for your community, friends and family 
  • Become a celebrant and able to conduct wedding ceremonies, handfastings, baby blessings, new venture blessings… all sorts of magical rituals to bring peace and joy into the lives of others
  • Receive in-depth training on how to market yourself as a celebrant so the people who need you can easily find you
  • Embody the arts of the priestess WHO CELEBRATES and see celebration as a way of life!

Rites of the Underworld 

Morgan le Fay and the Priestesses of Avalon are death priestesses. As part of our work we are called to hold presence for the challenging and sorrowful parts of people's lives, and help them process loss and change through ceremony and circle

  • Become friends with death and fear it no more. Understand the dying process from the inside out and learn about different attitudes to death from lots of different traditions.
  • Learn the arts of the Death Doula so you can confidently sit with the dying and bring peace and presence to this most powerful of life transitions. 
  • Discover how you can help your community through being a Priestess of Grief, allowing others to move through their feelings with your support. 
  • Confront the huge grief and upcoming shift of Climate Change and learn skills to help folk navigate this global transition of death and change.
  • Discover how to hold powerful and nourishing ceremonies of ending, including for divorce, abortion and miscarriage, to help heal and honour the losses of life

Foundational Avalon Priestessing

Learn the devotional arts of the priestess that will be your sacred foundation as you step up, shine and serve.

  • Learn how to treat your priestess work and purpose as holy service and ground divine connection into every part of your priestessing work (because priestessing has a lot more laundry, admin and chasing invoices than we'd like to imagine)
  • Ground your Avalon priestesshood in detailed scholarship from renowned experts - learn the truth about the holy men and women of Celtic britain, what Avalon meant to the ancient people of these isles, and how studying the past can inspire us in our practice today. We are here to train smart well-informed priestesses who can tell the difference between historical fact and privileged white lady fantasy!
  • Build your excellence in the essential skills of the Practicing Priestess that pop up in all her powers and practices - everything from leading wildly effective guided meditations to singing songs and chants to public speaking to sharpening your intuition.

Prosperity Skills 

Learning how to priestess is only half the game. If you want your classes, circles and services to be fully booked and for your work to change the world, you have to master the arts of marketing and priestess business too! We will teach you how to share your work like a priestess and be able have a profitable priestess side (or centre!) hustle.  

  • Learn how to share and market your local circles and services... and have an accountability circle and done-for-you marketing materials so you actually DO IT!
  • Let go of your discomfort and fear of being a gross salesy predator and reframe marketing through a divine priestess lens - it's time to fall in LOVE with your message and your clients and let marketing be a divine service (.... that's actually a whole lot of fun too!)
  • Be supported to package together your unique priestess BRILLIANCE and create offerings that expand your heart and allow you to serve others at your highest level
  • Study and move through abundance and scarcity blocks so you can attract the prosperity you crave... these are the essential energetic arts of the prosperous priestess!

Learning how to take your priestess skills and actually make a living using them is the masters level of priestessing - your study doesn't stop once you learn your priestess toolbox! This is the essential part of applying your priestessing to the real world, moving through your personal blocks of havingness, and stepping into service!


First Retreat : The Chalice of Avalon
St Nectan's Glen, Cornwall UK

June 1st-6th 2024 (Full board and food)

Join us in the sacred heart of Morgan le Fay's landscape at the magical fairy waterfall of St Nectan's Glen in Cornwall UK for a powerful week of priestess practice and initiation.

For five dreamy days we will move together in a rhythm of sacred devotion as we live our Priestess art and craft together. We shall rise and join together for prayers, song and offerings, beginning the day in the heart of Avalon.

You shall spend the mornings practicing your skills of temple holding and ceremony, mastering your priestess arts as you midwife your sisters and siblings through powerful ritual. You will practice your handfasting skills and you will practice your abilities as a channel and oracle of the Goddess.

Your afternoons will be spent in deep ceremony to connect with the love of Avalon and initiate as a Vessel of Avalon in the world.

We will travel to the dramatic Cornish coastline and dance in the waters of the ocean, and take our vows as a Messenger of Morgan le Fay under the sacred waterfall of the faery Glen - a truly heavenly week for a celtic priestess!


Is the wildness of Cornwall calling to you?

Second Retreat : The Power of Morgana
Glastonbury UK

November 2023

Join us to dive deep into the mysteries of death and learn how to hold space as a leader as we initiate through the energy of Glastonbury at Samhain to become powerful Priestesses of Avalon and Morgan Embodiments in the world.

Visit the sacred wells and hilltops of Glastonbury Tor as you meet with your priestess sisters and siblings once again to step deeper into the skills of the Priestesses of Avalon. Learn death work, hold ceremonies for grief and loss, and step into your full power as a Morgan Priestess Embodied in our transformational retreat.

Our temple space will be in the centre of Glastonbury, so you can be right in the heart of this vibrant magical town.

Are you ready to return home to the isle of avalon?

Imagine: this could be you in 13 moons time

  • You have run your first local circles and had an incredible response - people have been in touch to tell you the the time they spent with you in circle was so special and transformational that they can't stop thinking about it. You smile and tell them to book in to your next one and they do!
  • You've just come off a one-to-one call with me where we have tweaked and perfected what your own personal core priestess offering will be to the world - and it's something that is totally you! You are so excited to be able to priestess in EXACTLY the right way for who you are - and you know exactly what to do next, in full trust of the unfolding of your spiritual service
  • You feel a deep unbreakable connection to Avalon and the Divine, and it holds you every day - you have all these little moments of "oh yes. I remember who I am" as you settle into your true self every day.
  • Your ceremonialist website is up and you are receiving your first enquiries - you are so stoked to be serving as a ceremonial priestess and can't quite believe that this gets to be your job. Like, wtf - are you living in a dream zone?
  • You feel totally legit - like finally, you deserve to be here. You ARE worthy of this role. You have done the work - you have studied your craft hard, like a true priestess of old, done multiple practice sessions, practiced your craft on your avalon sisters, friends, family and everyone you could get your hands on - and you know YOU GOT THIS. Your confidence is deep in your bones now, and you even have the certificate to prove it.

Is this what you are?

A priestess, ready to get her hands dirty and do the work of the Goddess in the world?

Join us in the Priestess of Avalon Training, and you will recieve:

🔥 5 rich training modules
packed with everything you need to do your work in the world;

Module 1 : Heart of the Avalonian Priestess (Value: £3333)
Connect deeply with Avalon as you learn the core devotional arts of the Priestess - and beef up on your essential priestessing skills that you will be using throughout this class!

Module 2 : The Rites of Sisterhood (Value: £9999)

Learn how to lead women’s circles, temple circles, red tents and death circles. Embody the divine feminine arts of leadership, so you can be a powerful role model for the new age. Get trained in essential skills such as compassionate communication and trauma-informed care so you are equipped to handle and hold people in transition and navigate difficult situations with ease.

Module 3 : The Rites of Life (Value: £5555)

A priestess is here to celebrate life! Step into celebrancy as you learn how to craft incredible marriage and hand fasting ceremonies, brilliant seasonal celebrations, baby naming rituals and blessings.

Module 4 : The Rites of the Underworld (Value: £5555)

Deepen in how to hold space for endings, death and grief. Learn the skills of the death priestesses and help people in their journey to cross over the last threshold. Learn to lead people through powerful ceremonies of ending, including divorce and miscarriage, so your clients can be supported through change.

Module 5 : Prosperity Priestess (Value: £9999)

Master the arts of sharing your skills so that your circles, temples and events are always full, and be coached and supported into crafting a particular priestess practice that works for you. Includes everything you need to market your events - poster, website, sales page and marketing templates, checklists, trainings, to- do’s.....

These modules feature teachings by Demi and from a hand-selected faculty of international guest teachers: ceremonial experts and rockstar priestesses who have decades of experience and skill to share with you, so you learn only from the best!

🔥 2 Magical Retreats

so you can be initiated as a priestess and practice your skills and ceremonies in the very heart of the sacred lands of Avalon and Morgan le Fay:

Retreat 1 - Cornwall, June 2023 (Value: £5997)

Five days in the sacred faery forest of St Nectan’s Glen, connecting with Morgana and the magic of devotion as you practice and deepen into circle holding and ceremony.

Retreat 2 - Glastonbury, November 2024 (Value: £3997)

Four days in Glastonbury, the modern-day Isle of Avalon, initiating into the darker underworld practices of an Avalonian Priestess and practicing your death, underworld and grief skills.

Full board and food provided on each retreat.

🔥 28 x Group Coaching Calls with Demi Fox

to practice your priestess skills, mastermind your next steps, and coach you into your dream

priestess path. (Value: £7000)


🔥 2 x 60 minute one-to-one coaching sessions with Demi Fox

to be used in the second half of the year, to nail down your essence as a Priestess and develop your unique path and practice. (Value: £750)

Total Value of the course: £52,185


We are so lucky as to have the BEST priestess teachers and experts from around the world coming to teach you - with decades of experience behind them and an absolute wealth of knowledge, you can rest assured that you are learning how to professionally priestess from the best teachers.

Bliss Magdalena - Qadash

Pussy whisperer, womb witch and teacher of the accredited Lunar Womb Temple Training, Bliss is our go-to gal to learn the arts of holding a nourishing red tent and to teach you how to be trauma informed.

Flora Ware

Teaching you how to run powerful Temple Circles, Flora is an initiated priestess in the 13 Moon Mystery School lineage and keeper of the EarthSong temple - and as a singer, she will teach you how to lead heart-lifting singing circles too!

Marion Brigantia

Creator of the Glastonbury Priestess of Brigid trainings and co-organiser of the international Glastonbury Goddess Conference, Marion will teach you the essential priestess skills of compassionate communication.

Katinka Soetens

Founder of the Path of Love Mystery School teaching the path of the Sacred Sexual Priestess across Europe, Katinka is also the co- creatrix of the annual international Glastonbury Goddess Conference. She's here to teach women's rites of passage ceremonies.

Grael Corsini-Valandar

Founder of the Goddess Temple of Ashland and international Priestessing legend, there is no-one better to teach how to found your own goddess temple.

Yuri Lietch

Scholar, artist, researched and beloved of the Isle of Avalon, Yuri will be bringing his decades of research to share with our priestesses so they can learn the history of the sacred landscapes of Avalon.

Charlotte Haigh

Funeral celebrant, practicing death priestess, activist and soul midwife Charlotte is here to teach the funeral rites of death, how to hold death circles and how to hold space for eco grief.


More teachers of scholarship, history, ceremony, psychopomp work, divine feminine leadership to come!

... and more to be announced!

Are you ready to begin?

We Begin Summer 2023

Officially our class begins at Summer Solstice 2023, but we will accept folk after that date - the course will run for 13 months until August 2024

Feel like this might be the priestess training you have been waiting for?

Apply below and book a call with course director Demi to learn more about this offering and claim your place.

Register Now!

In Person Training: £8888 (Payment Plan of £635 a month)

(Approx. $11,500 USD)

Online Only Training: £6222 (Payment Plan on £479 a month)

(Approx. $7900)

We are so excited to welcome you to our circle this April!

We have 5 Places available - is one of them yours?

Early bird Pricing is £8888, with payment plan options of £635 a month

Apply and Book a Call below!

Meet your headmistress

Demelza Fox (Demi) is a practicing Priestess of Morgan le Fay who has been on the goddess path for over 20 years. She works as a Priestess in her community, running rituals, circles, retreats, meditations, courses and dance classes in honour of the Goddess - and inspires priestesses across the globe to step into their destiny.

Demi is the Headmistress of the Morgen le Fay Mystery School, and has trained over 50 people through the arts of Morgan le Fay since 2018.

She's an initiated Sacred Sexual Priestess, Priestess of Rhiannon, Sister of Avalon in the Glastonbury Goddess Temple tradition, regular teacher and priestess at the Glastonbury Goddess Conference, certified coach and NLP practitioner, Scent Priestess and Temple Guide Facilitator of the Priestess Presence Lineage.

Demi knows that the true teachings of Avalon cannot be transmitted by just one person. Like the nine queens of Avalon, it takes a council of priestesses to share, transmit and inspire a new generation of divine feminine leaders!

"Demelza is a powerhouse priestess, one of those rare Priestesses of Love in our world who shine Her light in beauty..

... this means that the sacred space she emenates in ceremonies, whether as embodied vessel, priestess of the drum, sacred dancer, or spacious presence of love, is palpable, healing and transformative for all who participate. It is a blessing to work with her, or be guided or held in a fun and deep ceremony that she has a unique ability to facilitate."

- Katinka Soetens
Co-Organiser of the international Glastonbury Goddess Conference festival and Creatrix of the Path of Love Mystery School

"Since I've been back from Glastonbury for our retreat, my voice has been HEALED.

I trained as an opera singer and stopped singing professionally some years ago, and out of nowhere, this whole section of my range that has been fucked up since my thyroid surgery 3 years ago is suddenly FINE. It's super weird because I wasn't focusing on that or trying to "make" it happen magically. I guess my inner faerie priestess thought I was finally ready!”

- Suzanne O Gara
Founder of the Alchemy of Avalon Teashop in Massachusetts, and attendee of our Morgan Initiation retreat

"I am in awe to experience and witness the unconditional love, acceptance, and magic that conjures in the sacred containers that Demi creates."

"Intuitively in Oneness with the Divine, Demi holds a safe and judgement free space for alchemy and transformation to occur. I’m full of gratitude for the quantum healing and wholeness I’ve experienced over the last 2 years in her Mystery Schools and beyond."

- Cynthia

"When I take a course from Demi, I never feel bad about myself for not being enough or doing enough."

"I've had the pleasure of taking several courses with Demi and count her teachings as one of the biggest influences on my spiritual practice and journey as a witch. The thing I love the most about Demi is how real she is. She has this gift of being able to straddle the chasm between being utterly pragmatic and also divinely magickal and she's so incredibly good at teaching others how to do the same. When I take a course from Demi, I never feel bad about myself for not being enough or doing enough. She's learned how to embody the divine through the mundanity of real life, which when it comes down to it, is what this work is all about."


"Demi can teach, and she is damn good at it!"

"Demi is approachable in every way and happy to share so much information--she doesn't put herself on a pedestal like some leaders do, and she clearly cares about her students and the material she is presenting. She's a delight. As a teacher myself, I know that not everyone is built to teach, even though many people think anyone can do it. Demi can do it, and she is damn good at it. I admire her very much from a professional and personal standpoint."

- Rose

"Demi is legitimately the BEST."

"She's completely nonjudgmental, she is great at letting you speak while also relating to your experiences and showing true empathy for whatever's going on in your life. She takes her priestess powers so seriously, when it comes to being a vessel to receive for others. Demi is full of life and happiness, and she doesn't hide that she has some shit she's dealing with, too. She doesn't put herself on a pedestal above her students. She's right there beside us, continuously learning from us as we learn from her."

- Stephanie

"Demi's generosity outshines most others!"

"I have been a fan of Demi's work for over 10 years. I found her while searching blogs in 2011 and have watched her unfold into the most bad ass Rockstar Priestess. Demi's generosity outshines most others, and her devotion to the priestess path truly serves folx from all walks of life

Need a fun loving-no BS guide? Want to tune into just how magickal and valuable you are? Ready to Tango into the void and welcome in Goddess nourishment? Woohoo! Because Demi has a lot of wisdom and fabulous rituals which can do that and more."

- V Murray

What makes this training different?

  • You will be learning from world-renowned experts in ceremony and priestessing, people who have decades of hard-won practical experience to guide and lead you to your calling as a sacred Priestess of Avalon. You will be learning from a sister-council of rockstar priestesses who are invested in seeing you rise and giving you all the support you need to serve.
  • We are learning to be a Priestess of Avalon as inspired by Morgan le Fay, the High Priestess of Avalon, who is the blueprint for what a Priestess of Avalon should be like. We are learning Morgan le Fay's public priestessing skills - you can see her as great goddess, as a guide or simply as an inspiration. There is no dogmatic or adhere-to-my-tradition stuff. Your personal path to Avalon is 100% valid and celebrated here.
  • Your training in the skills to be a priestess will be backed up by simple and effective business training to get your message out there and share your work with the world. Learning how to sell and market your work is the work of the priestess too! We won't leave you hanging and wondering how the hell you actually get people to your circles.
  • Unlike every other priestess training, after your skills training period you are going to work with your siblings and your facilitator to create a public priestess practice that is totally unique for you. You will be given time, coaching and opportunity to integrate your new priestess skills into your existing skill set, creating something utterly irresistible and unique to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the 2024 Class Start? 

Our class begins on the 27th April: we will have prep work for you to play with as soon as you join however!

What are the dates and times of the retreats? 

The Cornwall Retreat is at St Nectan's Glen in Cornwall between the 1st and 6th August 2023. All food and board is provided for in this retreat - you just need to get there.

The second retreat is in Glastonbury in November 2023 (likely to be the second week of November). Accommodation is not provided for this event, but we will feed you lunches and dinners!

What if I haven't studied any priestess stuff with you before?

That's fine! The pre-requisite to this course is that you have a devotion to the Goddess and a committed practice of shadow work that you use to help you handle and transmute stuff that shows up.

Is this training just for women?

This training is open to women, men, and anyone in-between or outside of that binary who is feeling the call to step in as priest/priestess/priestx and do the work of Avalon in the world.

What if I have already studied something in this class?

Already studied one or two of the things on the curriculum? LUCKY YOU! That's amazing! That means that you get to focus more time and attention on the other parts of this program that catch your eye. There is a LOT to do in this training, and if you have already nailed one part of it all it's going to do is make your training a smoother, easier ride.

What if I don't want to be a death priestess?

You don't have to be! We study all the key arts of a Priestess of Avalon so you have a true well-rounded Avalonian education and you can CHOOSE which part of it suits you the most.

Some of you might go forward and offer EVERYTHING you learned in this programme... but it's more likely you will pick a specialty and rock it. Your path might look like offering handfastings and women's circles while being a life coach (ahem secret priestess) online. You could go right into the death stuff, leading death circles and doing psychopomp work, doing rituals and rites for the animals who have passed over at the roadside as you hold a yearly grief intensive. You might opt to lead transformational pleasure retreats combining your love of ecstatic dance with all your badass ceremonial skills.

YOU GET TO DO YOU. And I'll support you to get there.

But.... what if I'm not good enough/perfect enough/young enough/old enough/got my life together enough to be a priestess?

None of these reasons are real! It's just your ego messing with you. Being a priestess doesn't mean being a saint - it doesn't mean your job is to be more perfect and better than other people. In fact, we want our priestesses to be a bit of a hot mess. You need to be real - to have made mistakes, had your heart broken a few times, done things you have regretted and not been totally on it with your housekeeping. Perfect priestesses are too intimidating and unrelatable to help anyone. We need real world, messy, vulnerable human priestesses.

What's next after this training?

After you complete your 13 moon journey, you have the opportunity to join our ongoing Council, keeping in touch with your fellow sisters and siblings so you can support each other as you grow and expand into your priestess role - and get input and support from me if you need it and opt in for it.

What if I can't attend both retreats?

You need to attend both retreats in order to qualify as a full Priestess of Avalon - you will have the opportunity to make up your missing retreat in a future year if you need to.

This is your chance to listen to your heart and rebirth yourself as a priestess.

To fulfill your heart's longing and live as a modern day priestess in the world.

To make your dreams come true as you serve the people of the world through your transformational skills, whether that looks like building a whole new practice from the ground up to integrating these priestess arts to make your existing offerings so much more powerful

Are you going to join us?

Will you be the living hands of Avalon in the world?