The Return To Avalon FREE Bundle - Immerse in the many teachings and paths of Avalon!

Over $500 worth of spiritual trainings, vision journeys, activations and priestess practices!

Our Amazing Bundle Teachers and Contributors:

Hosted By.



Once you enter your email address, you'll get access to the gift claim page where you can access $500+ worth of Avalon-inspired gifts and trainings!


Pick and choose as many gifts as you want from the special claims page. Our amazing contributors are giving away some of their best resources absolutely FREE!


Once you've claimed your gifts, they are yours to keep forever! Immerse in their magic, use them in your every day life... let your life be blessed!


We've got A's for your Q's

How does the Return to Avalon Free Bundle work?

Great question! First, put your name and email address after you click the button. From there, we’ll email you the link to the free gift page. Then, you can sign up for the individual gifts that you want!

You get to pick and choose from over 9 exclusive free gifts that are only going to be available till Friday 6th September.  

What's the catch?

The only catch to the Return to Avalon FREE Bundle is that you have to sign up for each individual gift after getting to the claim page before Friday 6th September at midnight.

I could only twist my creator’s arms to let me give away most of their paid products completely for free for about 5 days. So if you get the claim page and you don’t actually sign up for the individual gift that you want, you’re going to miss out.  

Will I be added to every contributor's email list?

Absolutely not. Not only is that so gross, but it is very illegal - it's not how we roll here.

You will only get added to people’s email list when you claim their gift. And if you want to unsubscribe immediately, you can totally go ahead and do so. But trust me, they treat all of their new subscribers from the Return to Avalon FREE Bundle like gold.

Will I have to put in my credit card info?

That is an excellent question. For most gifts, All you’ll be asked to do is put in your name and email address. However, there are some products that you’ll have to enter a special coupon code to get them for free - you'll get this coupon code once you’re on the inside.

If any of the contributors ask for a credit card, you will not be charged. Period.

If you have any questions before you hit the confirm payment button, please reach out to us at and we will be happy to help you out.  

How long is this available?

The Return to Avalon FREE Bundle goes live on Monday 5th September and disappears Friday 6th December at 11;59pm UK time.  

Who is running this thing?

Glad you asked! I'm Demi Fox from Rockstar Priestess, host of Avalon Priestess TV over on Youtube, which is sponsoring this year's event.

It's my mission to help spiritual folk connect with their priestess/x path and find their magic connection with Avalon.

What kind of things can I sign up for?

You get to pick and choose from over 9 exclusive free gifts that are only going to be available till Midnight Friday 6th September, including:

🌕 Avalon Priestess Practice, a primer on the path of the Avalon priestess and a daily devotional practice for you to play with, by the headmistress of the Morgan le Fay Mystery School Demi Fox

🌖 Morgana’s Materia Medica, a deep-dive herbal training on one of the sacred plants of Avalon with trained herbalist Suzanne O Gara

🌗 Medicine, Magic, and Money: A Tool Kit for Soul-Sourced Entreprenuers by sovereignty expert Rima Bonario 

🌘Waters of Avalon, a powerful vision journey with water priestess and author Annwyn Avalon 

🌑 Breathe Abundance Meditations, magical activations to rewire you to receive the golden abundance of avalon by priestess Sora Schilling 

🌒 Avalon Rose Masterclass, a primer on the celtic christian mythos in Avalon by our Gnostic Christianity expert Annabel du Boulay

🌓 Journey to Avalon: The Fruit of Wisdom, an excerpt from the popular "Journey to Avalon: Walking the Path of the Priestess" online training by acclaimed scholar and Avalon priestess Jhenah Telyndru

🌔 Avalon Guided Meditation Bundle, three blissful guided meditations to take you to the land of Avalon by crystal healer and expert Ashley Leavy

🌕 Elemental Fusion Dance Bundle, sacred dance classes to reawaken the temple dancers of Avalon by movement artist Tiare Valouria 

Can I sign up for gifts after Friday 6th September if I have the link?

Nope. You’ll get access to the Return to Avalon FREE Bundle page until Friday 6th December at 11;59pm UK time. Once the clock hits midnight the FREE gifts disappear and you’ll have to pay full-price for anything you missed out on.  

When will the Return to Avalon FREE Bundle be available again?

We usually open it about once a year, but I can tell you in 2025 we will not have the same mixture of gifts that we do this year. So if anything catches your eye, I would sign up now because even I change up my gifts every time we open this.
