Finally find your spiritual home in the grounded arts of Avalon: for witches, would-be-priestesses, and everyone inbetween.


Become a Modern Day Morgan le Fay and step into your PRIESTESS POWER!

Sister Year is a LIFE CHANGING initiatory experience.

It will turn your world upside down and help you shed all the false beliefs you have of yourself so you can step fully into the goddess that you were meant to be. It's an epic journey of a great heroine that is you, full of ego deaths, life changing lessons and enlightening revelations.

DO IT if you know that you are meant for more but don't really know what! This will help you get on your track, for sure! Working with the Morgan Seasons is one of the most healing and revealing experiences you will ever have.

Aija Fae

You are ready to go deeper on your Goddess path.

To initiate into the Way of the Goddess a more profound level than ever before and experience her healing and transformation in your life.

It's time. You feel it - your soul summoning you to dive into the mystery.

And you know you gotta do it through the transformational sorceress-queen-priestess energy of Morgan le Fay.

Something about her is your vibe - the rich darkness, the soul-throned power and wild faery magic.

If you are gonna initiate deeper with the goddess, it's got to be with her energy. It calls to you.

You have been searching for something that fits - something that balances your grounded nature with spirituality.

Something that's profound and mystical but not tooooo out there - all these DNA activations and crystal codes and pleiadian starseed stuff is just so not you and you are tired of feeling the odd one out in the spiritual community.

You are ready to come home.

Home to Avalon - the sacred land of the Goddess and the haven of the Priestesses of Avalon. Home of queens, witches, goddesses and wise faery guides.

Home to the realm of Morgan le Fay, the badass bright-shadow Queen of truth, transformation, community and magic, who is here to transform you and unveil your true and unique rebel priestess path.

Sister Sibling Year is Waiting.


Imagine for a moment that you step onto your priestess path with Morgan le Fay herself as your guide...

Are you ready to walk the path of a Sister Sibling of Morgan le Fay?

Imagine for a moment stepping into the path of Morgan le Fay where:

  • You fearlessly claim your fierce spiritual power as a person who holds both the dark and the light within them. Your underworld journeys are held as sacred as your heavenly visions and you live a life enchanted - signs and synchronicity follow you wherever you go and you hear the whisper of the goddess at your back at all times.
  • Smart, wise, skilled at herbcraft and ready to bewitch the world, you walk with one foot in the physical realm and one in the magical celtic otherworld, straddling the twilight like your guiding goddess Morgan le Fay.
  • Your purpose as a spiritual being is crystal clear, and you know exactly your path as a priestess - and it is completely unique and oh so you. Of course! You who never followed the crowds - how could it be any other way?  
  • You are a grounded, smart, spiritual badass - a true rebel priestess carving your own path in the world, held by and supported by you coven of Morgen peeps as you light up the world with her vision and strength.
  • You are an emissary of Avalon, the land of sisterhood, love, wisdom and peace, and you shine the bright light of Goddess in the world wherever you go, illuminating all aspects of your life with her touch.
  • Learn the skills of the Priestesses of Avalon - ceremony, working with the seasons, magic, herbcraft, sistership, divine connection - so that you can actively priestess your own life and truly live a path of divine enchantment.

Confident. Powerful. Magical. Supported.

Rooted in your spirituality and completely on purpose in the world.

A light of Morgan le Fay in the world.

Wouldn't that be amazing?

"My life has been utterly and irrevocably changed. Enchanted. Blessed beyond measure."

"About a year ago, I stumbled onto an article written by Demelza Fox that changed my life. In it, she spoke to her work as a priestess of Morgan le Fay, and I felt like someone had pulled back the blinds and let the moonlight into my mind.

I kept saying, over and over again, "That's something you can just *do*?". I sent her an email, and she wrote back and said yes, this was a thing you could do (I! I could do!). She said lots of reassuring things about how the program was designed for the type of person I am—bad with authority, banging my own drum in syncopated rhythm, off-kilter at times… and I dove in.

In the past year, my relationship with myself, and with the Divine, has been radically altered for the better. I've been challenged, held, and healed. I've learned incredible herbcraft skills from Suzanne O'Gara—truly my soul's 90s sister, a real-life Sally Owens—and have gotten to know the beautiful spirits of my fellow students. I've been through serious heartache, loss, and renewal. I lost and found my path. My life has been utterly and irrevocably changed. Improved. Enchanted. Blessed beyond measure.

The priestess path isn't for everyone; plenty of folks decide that as much as they enjoy what they learn, they don't think the full priestess path is for them and that’s okay - it's a deeply enriching practice no matter where it takes you.

Priestess training is blatantly, unapologetically woo-woo, though I also appreciate my teachers for being blatantly, unapologetically anti-racist and pro-LGBTQ+ inclusion." 

Meghan, 2020 Sister Year Graduate

Join us for Sister Year!

Sister Year is our Foundational Priestess Training Year at the Morgan le Fay Mystery School - meaning that this is the year where you sort your shit out, soften into deep embodiment of the way of the Goddess and figure out exactly what kind of priestess you are so then you can choose your path from a place of power, confidence, surety and no-fucks-given...

... because you KNOW your worth as a priestess doesn’t actually depend on wether you get a fancy certificate from a glamorous lady on the internet - instead you know that your priestess-hood is an irrepressible facet of who you always were and already are. 

Embody the true power of the feminine - soft, receptive, magnetic and potent AF as you release stress, control-freak tendencies, and patriarchal power BS from your mind, body and soul - so you can at last access the flow, surrender and joy in your life that you have been craving

Discover how to blend the magical and the muggle aspects of life into divine harmony with the whisper of the Goddess at your back, surrendering daily and in every moment to the magical synchronicity of a life enchanted

Align with the wisdom of Morgan le Fay, the Midwife of Priestesses and Mistress of Power, to discover your life’s purpose and your visionary truth so you can feel centred, powerful, and on-purpose - while at all times connected to your spiritual essence

Become confident working with ancient herbal wisdom to heal yourself and your family with natural remedies as you connect profoundly with the natural world around you and move in the sacred rhythm of the wheel of the year

Finally have permission to RELAX into your true self as Priestess - no pushing, no striving to look like anyone but yourself - and discover the blueprint encoded in your own soul for your unique priestess path. It’s time to do it your way, baby!

Want me to walk you through the whole program?

Click Play on the video below to have me take you through the whole Sister Year experience!

My life is so much more magical now than it was before!

In the last year I've grown so much. My connection to Morgan is incredible. Her presence amazes me every day, and this course has been instrumental in helping me to finally own my purpose and begin my purpose work. I have loved seeing the different aspects of the Priestess path and being reassured that even though I'm a bit weird, moody and rebellious, I can be my own type of Priestess.

Morgan le Fay Mystery School is perfect for those of us who want to know ourselves on a deeper level, who want to explore all sides of the divine Feminine, not just the mother/maiden pretty stuff.

Sarah, Morgan le Fay Sister Mystery School graduate of 2019

Who is Morgan le Fay?

Morgan le Fay is our guiding goddess here at the Morgan le Fay Mystery School. She is the shapeshifting Lady of Avalon and the patron goddess of witches and priestesses.

She is an underworld queen, teaching us how to navigate and bring light into our shadows so we can become powerful whole beings and magnetic priestesses. She holds the mysteries of Power, Desire, Transformation and Devotion and she holds the magical energy of Avalon...

... and as sisters, siblings and Priestesses of Morgan le Fay, we are here to be her badass energy in the world.

Morgana is our shining guide because she holds the path to train as a powerful priestess of Avalon - her many faces show us the skills we need on our spiritual journey and initiate us so we can become grounded, smart and potent priestesses of the goddess. She is literally the midwife of priestesses who holds the keys to the feminine mysteries.

In this beautiful training year you will be held in sacred sister-siblinghood as you work through the tutelary wheel of Morgan le Fey, moving in deep rhythm and devotion to the circling of the seasons and discovering the skills and practices of the Goddess of Avalon

The Wheel of Morgan le Fay

In Sister Year you will work with Morgana’s Aspects as Goddess of Shadow, High Priestess, Sister, Enchantress, Faery Lover, Healer, Mother Avalon and Queen, receive training in her sacred arts of Avalon, culminating in dedication as a Morgen Sister.

It's a year to allow yourself to be more like Morgan le Fay so you can be an amazing sacred Sister Sibling.

Herbcraft Studies

A big part of what makes Morgan le Fay Mystery School different is that we include herbalism studies as a core part of our curriculum. Studying herbs is such a powerful way to create a deeper connection to the natural world and to take care of ourselves and our families.

Morgan le Fay is renowned in legend as a great healer who knows how to work with all the plants and herbs for healing purposes, and this year is all about learning her skills. Herbalism would have been such a core part of the knowledge of the ancient Priestesses of Avalon, and it is so fun and empowering to create herbal potions and lotions throughout the year!

Each season we have a different herb profile and herbcraft project lead by our amazing certified herbalist teacher and magical teashop owner, Suzanne O'Gara, so you can learn practical and grounded healing concoctions to use in your every day life.

This beautiful training has enabled me to deepen into myself and into the divine feminine, the goddess within. I have felt my relationship with myself and others, especially women, shift and change during the year in subtle but profound ways. I have more self love than I ever imagined possible, but I have also become more attuned to nature and feel more connected than ever before. The herb craft training has been magical.

Thank you so much Demi, for putting together such a unique and precious training!

Anne Jones

What you get in Sister Year:

8 x Magical Training Modules

Sister Year is made of 8 modules of training following the 8 celtic seasonal festivals of the year. Each module is 6-weeks long and immerses you into one of the eight archetypes of Morgan le Fay, alchemising transformation and deepening your spiritual path as a Sister and Priestess.

Each 6 week module includes:

3 x Live Classes

Each season you will receive a powerful live workshop to deepen into the energy and teachings of the season, a ceremony to connect with the seasonal face of Morgan le Fay and awaken her mirror within you, and a live Herbcraft Session with our resident Herbalist to sink into the herb of the season and support you in your herbal journey.

1 x Live Online Sister Circle

You will connect together in a potent sister circle online call to share your insights, receive support from your sisters and inspire you to new understandings and pathways of study.

5 x Weekly Lessons

You will receive 5 beautifully designed guidebooks brimming with a potent curriculum of Avalonian lessons full of knowledge, exercises, rituals and herbal assignments. After 5 weeks of lessons you will have a week off for integration each season for catching up, resting or sipping wine in the sunshine - whatever you like!

2 x Guided Meditations

These powerful meditations have been created to help your receive and embody the energy of the archetypes you are working with in Morgan Mystery School.

BONUS: Sacred Seasonal Immersion Bonuses

Each season in the program you’ll gain access to bonus classes and deep dive immersions - from working with the Celtic trees of Morgan le Fay, to learning about the ancient priestesses or joining our witchy fiction book club.

I have been a spiritual seeker my whole life. For over 30 years, I've served my community as a professional Tarot reader, clairvoyant medium, Spiritualist minister, writer, teacher, and Circle leader. Joining Sister Year and following the Wheel of Morgana and all of the lessons has helped me to be more dedicated in my spiritual practice, and I feel much closer to Morgan le Fay as a result.

I have always seen my spirituality as an essential, integral part of myself, but now, it feels more embedded in my everyday life. I also feel lighter and more spontaneous about incorporating spiritual practices in my life, which I love.

I feel I am more authentic than I've ever been. I feel less fearful about what the road ahead will bring because I feel more grounded, centered, and connected to the Divine through my interactions and work with Morgana.


Ready to see

what's in store for

you in Sister Year?

Let's take a look....

Module 1 : Shadow Goddess

Become an unstoppable, powerful shadow alchemist

In this module you will go from being unaware of why your life never changes no matter what you do, to understanding the true subconscious shadow motivations behind these issues - and be given the tools to transform them! A Sister of Morgan le Fay, the Underworld Goddess of Avalon, knows how to find her way through her own shadows.

  • Understand the truth of the shadow and employ powerful magic to shift deeply held beliefs and boring things in your life.
  • Discover darkness rituals to soothe and honour overwhelm, burnout, exhaustion, depression and any difficult moments you might be navigating through.
  • Understand that darker feelings and emotions have their time and place and know that our job as priestesses and Morgan Sisters is to honour and tend them, rather that ignore or brush over them in pursuit of “higher vibrations”.
  • Work with simple herbal infusions to induce potent visions and insights

Module 2 : High Priestess

Live the peace and clarity you have always dreamed of

Work the mysteries of devotion, presence and alignment to meet the part of yourself who is an instinctive incredible priestess to bring calm, radiance and trust to all aspects of your life - and finally know without a shadow of a doubt that you are a priestess deep in your bones.

  • Move from feeling scattered, confused and un-centred into powerful presence and finally living that chill and wise priestess vibe you have always coveted but figured you were too much of a mess to actually embody.
  • Align with the energy of the High Priestess and finally feel the calm, peace, radiance, trust and surrender you have been chasing all your spiritual life
  • Get laser crystal clear on what it looks like for you personally to walk the path of the priestess - this is one of the biggest revelations of the year and will utterly transform your life. 
  • Learn how to create and burn incense as a sacred devotional Priestess Practice

Module 3 : Sacred Sister

Relax into the spiritual truth of community

Discover the shape-shifting qualities of the Goddess as embodied in Morgan le Fay, and come together as sisters to amplify, purify and deepen into the mysteries of the sacred sisterhood. 

  • Fully release that old, outdated paradigm of needing to do everything by yourself to prove yourself worthy and give yourself permission to relax into the deep understanding that the Priestess Way is one of collaboration and assistance. It’s not all on you. 
  • Clear your sister wounds that keep you closed off, afraid and stepping back from true spiritual community and release into the knowledge that you never have to walk this path alone.
  • Create healing salves in our Herbcraft practice to support and heal your family

"Hands down, Demelza is truly the best guide for women that are serious about grounding into their Priestess practice with the mysteries of Morgan LeFay!"

"Demelza’s MLFMS was one of the most rich Priestess trainings I’ve ever done. I love how Demelza embodies what she teaches, and truly embodies the soul of Avalon. Her connection with the land of Glastonbury is deep and its essence flows through each of her words, mentoring, rituals and meditations. Integrating herbal knowledge along with the MLF practices made my experience all the more tangible. Each week felt completely magical! We were so privileged to have the education and expertise of our dedicated herb teacher Suzanne to mentor us through the herbcraft of each season.

Hand down ... Demelza is truly the best guide for women that are serious about grounding into their Priestess practice with the mysteries of Morgan LeFay. There is no one else out there who is capable of holding space so powerfully both online and in person!

This mystery school is truly one-of-a-kind and worth every dollar!"

Kris Seraphine-Oster, PH.D

Module 4 : Enchantress

Claim your desire and discover your personal magic

In the springtime you will connect with Morgan le Fay as Enchantress, where you will be joyfully challenged to fully embody your witch power and aliveness and be filled with hope and optimism for change - do you dare to dream your deepest desires alive?

  • Awaken your innocence and allow yourself to see and enjoy the enchantment of life once more
  • Fall in love with witchcraft and manifestation and see your desire for what it truly is - as a holy guide to direct creation in your life. 
  • Release that rigid need to be so damn serious all the time and relax into play! 
  • Brew magic in a teacup and learn the skills of the tea witch.

Module 5 : Faery Lover

Step into the mystery of living magic

At Beltane we embrace the electric, erotic aliveness of being fully incarnate in our bodies and what it means to be a fey witch – sensual, sexual and powerful!

  • Learn the sacred priestess art of Glamour Magic so you may have the power of the gods behind your spiritual goals and open to wild synchronicity and spellbinding magic in your life.
  • Make potent creams and perfumes to adorn yourself in beauty and nourish your body
  • Study and honour the faeries with international faerie experts and learn how to work in partnership with the otherworld kingdoms that surround us to promote harmony and wild magic in your life. 
  • You will look at the strange morals of the faery kingdom and create your OWN moral frameworks and rules to follow... in a world where we are free, what do we stand for?

Module 6 : Healer

Surrender to the waters of the Lady of the Lake 

At Midsummer Solstice, the festival of Morgana as Goddess of the sacred springs, lakes and wells, we tend to our bodies and hearts and open our souls to the soothing softness of water to cleanse away old patterns, and reclaim ourselves as Daughters of the Sacred Well…

  • Learn what it means to be a Grail Priestess and how to hold and be a lantern for the essence of the Divine Feminine
  • Learn the watery secrets of how to hold space and service for others on your priestess path
  • Release into the softness, joy and femininity of the divine element of Water
  • Practice the ancient art of Herbalism, a key part of the lineage for the ancient celtic priestesses, and prepare medicines to help and heal yourself and your family for the coming winter months

"My entire family and my clients benefited from me jumping in and showing up for myself."

"I am so grateful I took a leap and committed to the Morgan le Fay Mystery School this past year. While I was really going into it to solidify my own Priestess calling as a birthday present to myself, and finally put myself out into the world as a Priestess instead of hiding behind labels such as card reader and energy worker, I received so much more.

I became a beloved of Morgana and her presence was so needed this past year. Days after registering, my daughter had a huge health crisis. I debated about canceling, not sure what would be needed of me, but I knew I needed this year and the work and grace of Morgana so I stayed. During Mother season, my son really needed support to work through a difficult time and I impressed the hell out of myself at just how fierce an advocate I can be. 

It is not easy to go through transformation, or to witness your loved ones struggle, but as a Priestess this is the work. Through the Mystery School, I was able to ground myself into each season, each archetype, and flourish. I was held and loved by my sisters, seen and witnessed (not fixed!), and supported spiritually so I could show up and be the amazing fucking Mom I am, and personally claim my truth: I am a Priestess!

The truth is my entire family and my clients benefited from me jumping into Mystery School and showing up for myself." 

V. Murray

Module 7 : Great Mother

Come home to the Great Goddess and finally feel held

At the harvest festival of Lammas, you will fully relax and be invited to surrender to the support of Morgan as Great Mother Goddess, She who is the sacred land of Avalon Herself. You will  relax into the deepest truth of Avalon  and walk the path of sisterhoods of ages past and truly discover what it means to walk the path of the Divine Feminine in the world today…

Finally feel like you can relax and be fully supported by the Great Goddess and Mama Earth - the pressure is off! 

  • Deepen into the sacred mysteries of Surrender and Trust and feel the Goddess at your back every second of every day. 
  • Dive into the mythic landscape of Avalon and learn ways to call in her magic
  • Learn herbal allies to help you combat stress and preserve the healing qualities of your herbs

Module 8 : Queen

Release victimhood and step into your radiant power

As Queen, Morgana holds the seeds for true heart power in your life and invites you to untie yourself from all patriarchal theories of power that leave you stressed out and burdened from having to control everything all the time and learn how to embody the true power of the feminine - soft, receptive, magnetic and potent AF. 

  • Step out of victim mode for good and into full empowerment as you align with the Queen Archetype and feel ready to be the guardian of your powerful priestess vision
  • Stop abdicating responsibility in your life and waiting for others to make things okay for you and instead move into full joyful, centred and magnetic responsibility for your life.
  • Learn how to create boundaries without shrinking yourself or feeling like a bitch through using the Five Tools of the Queen
  • Understand the true power of Fate and give yourself permission to be the radiant, powerful woman you were born to be

Optional: Sacred Pilgrimage to Avalon

If you are able to, you are cordially invited to join us in Glastonbury for a powerful retreat at the end of your year of study - a celebration of all the hard work you have done, and a potent initiation into your new life as a Sister Sibling of Morgan le Fay!

Sister Sibling Initiation Pilgrimage
17/18/19 October 2025
Value: £333 (included in your registration!)

A once-in-a-lifetime weekend of sacred magic on the holy isle of Avalon

In the witching season of autumn you can join us at our optional weekend pilgrimage to Glastonbury in the UK, the living portal to the energy of Avalon in the modern world, for our initiation, dedication and celebration as Morgan Sisters. 

  • Walk the Sacred Land with me: I have been visiting and walking this land for the last ten years, and I will take you to all my favourite, special places.
  • Ceremonies and private time for our group at Chalice Well and the White Spring
  • All-evening long late night vision journey pilgrimage to Morgan le Fey in her Temple

This Avalonian earth is the heart energy of Morgan le Fay, and in visiting her power places you will be immersed in her energy, understand her connection with this sacred land, and celebrate your journey as a Sister of Morgana here at her most sacred festival!

(Please note - the course price doesn’t cover airfare, food or accommodation in Glastonbury. For accommodation I have a network of lovely places for you to stay to suit all budgets, all right in the centre of town, so don’t worry - I’ll hook you up!)

Retreat Testimonials

"The most magical and life changing lessons from Sister Year? Well... since I've been back from Glastonbury for our retreat, my voice has been HEALED. I trained as an opera singer and stopped singing professionally some years ago, and I don't mean that I'm not still out of shape vocally, or that I suddenly can sing Verdi without warming up BUT out of nowhere, this whole section of my range that has been fucked up since my thyroid surgery 3 years ago is suddenly FINE. I don't feel that shakiness that I've been dealing with ever since I bombed my last performance earlier this year. And, it seems my tone quality is returning and my voice feels bigger than before. It's super weird because I wasn't focusing on that or trying to "make" it happen magically. I guess my inner faerie priestess thought I was finally ready!”


 "Stepping into space with Demi was like opening the door to a tele-transporter, to a world of feminine, mystical delight. By being held and lead in ritual she brought forth the ancient and much needed role of Priestess, guiding and blessing each one of the women in stepping into our commitments with no looking back. As I walked through the waters of the White Spring in Avalon that September my face flooded with tears with a deep knowing and surrender - Demi birthed the change and the shedding of the need to cling on to my masculine as a safety blanket. She showed me that we can dance whilst making breakfast- just for the sheer joy of it! Her committed work with the Goddess is threaded through every aspect of her programmes and she only delivers what she lives in integrity!”

Helen, Shamanic Nutritionist

Are you all in?

Do you desire the highest level of priestess support and transformation for your Morgan le Fay Journey?

Go DEEPER with the

If you desire the deepest, most luxurious level of support and the fullest transformation, join Sister Sibling year at our Rose Mentorship level.

Unparalleled Support
What would be like to do this Morgen journey but with a powerful priestess-on-speedial to help you get to the root of resistance, honour your transformations with personal ceremony, and take you even deeper into Morgana's archetypal transmissions?

Get Demi as your own personal priestess-on-call to guide you deeper into every Morgan archetype throughout Sister Sibling year.

  • Recieve 8 powerful one-to-one sessions with Demi PLUS Voxer voice messaging access where you will be coached, mentored and priestessed through whatever challenge or deepening is showing up for you - a year of dedicated one-to-one, totally personalised shadow work, ceremony and mentorship to ground you in your powerful Morgan presence and rock your priestess path like a superstar darling of Avalon! (Value: £3000) 
  • Open up and step into your personal priestess path with an in-person private VIP half-day event in Glastonbury with Demi where we will do dedicated ceremony together in the sacred lands of Avalon to initiate you into your personal priestess path, honouring the initiations you have been stepping through in Sister Sibling year or - doing specially targeted ceremonies and anointings for what you are personally initiating into as Sister Sibling Year comes to a close. (If you can't come to Glastonbury, this is available to do as an online VIP day too.) (Value: £600)

Holy Herbal Healing
Be held and healed by the medicinal magic of Herbs as you receive expert herbal guidance and wisdom from our incredible potions mistress and certified herbalist teacher, Suzanne O' Gara

  • Receive a Private Herbal Consultation Session with our herbalist Suzanne, where you will work together in a magical method that combines both witchery and modern herbalism to directly apply herb knowledge to whatever is coming up for you physically or emotionally in your life - plus receive the exact herbal medicine you need in the post. Suzanne will also divine your plant allies, specific healing herbs that are energetically aligned with you and your needs and give you a compendium of ways in how to incorporate their wisdom. Session consists of a consultation, treatment plan, herbal medicine in the post and a follow up consultation  (Value: £250)
  • 1 x Tarot Reading with Suzanne to deepen into your healing and divine guidance from Morgan le Fay (Value : £100)
  • 1 x Herb Supply Kit, containing EVERYTHING YOU NEED to fulfil all your Herbal Assignments this year. No frantically scouring the internet looking for herbs every six weeks for you! (Value: £135)
  • 3 x Delicious Sample Teas from Alchemy of Avalon! Yum yum YUM! Suzanne is a tea priestess extraordinaire and she is going to shower you with delectable tastes from the very witchiest of her handcrafted tea selection (Value: £15)

Total Value of the Rose Mentorship Bonuses:


(Only two one Rose Mentorship places available!)

Are you ready to walk your priestess path of power?


Class begins:


We begin at Samhain. Will you join our sister-sibling hood and walk a year with Morgan le Fay by your side?

Ready to dive in?

Sister Sibling Year

Register for Morgan le Fay Mystery School Sister Sibling year and receive:

  • Morgan le Fay Sister Sibling Year, which holds 8 x Magical Seasonal Modules that will teach you powerful priestess skills to use in your own life, connect you deeply with Avalon and transform your life into alignment with the enchantment you were destined to live (Value: £5328)
  • Invitation to join us at the Autumn Equinox Initiation Retreat in 2024! (Value: £333)


Pay in Full: £2222

(That's about $2904 USD)

Pay in full bonuses

- a 75 minute private session with Demi


🌟Payment Plan🌟
£555 today plus 11 payments of £165

(In USD that's about $730 today and 11 payments of $215)


£173 a month for 13 months

Register Now!

Want Extra 1-to-1 Support?

Choose the Rose Mentorship

If you opt for the additional Rose Mentorship Package you will receive everything in Sister Sibling year PLUS:

  • 8 x 75 minute Private sessions with Demi  - I am a badass shadow guide and specialise in helping you bust through any resistance, limiting beliefs or fears so you can rock your priestess path like a superstar darling of Avalon... or you can choose to enlist my help to rocket boost your witchy priestess business! (Value: £2000)
  • Voxer Support with Demi : 75 minutes of Voxer voice messaging support inbetween your sessions. (Value: £1000)
  •  1 x Private Herbalist sessions with our herbalist Suzanne + 1x Tarot Reading, where you get to directly apply herb knowledge to heal your life (Value: £250)
  • 1 x Herb Supply Kit, containing everything you need to fulfil all your Herbal Assignments this year. No frantically scouring the internet looking for herbs every six weeks for you! (Value: £135)
  • 3 x Delicious Sample Teas from Alchemy of Avalon! Yum yum YUM! (Value: £15)
  • A half day VIP in Glastonbury in September with Demi - either just before or just after our initiation retreat, spend 3.5 hours together doing specially targeted ceremonies and anointings for what you are personally initiating into as Sister Sibling Year comes to a close. (Value: £600)
  • BONUS: An in-person Full Body Anointing with Demi (worth £220) when you come for your VIP day - on top of our time together. This is my secret magic!


 ... and don't forget if you pay in full you get a WHOLE EXTRA private mentorship session with me. Woohoo!

Pay in Full: £3499

(That's about $4580 USD)

Pay in full bonus - a 75 minute private session with Demi (Value: £250)

Payment Plan : £999 today and 11 payments of £227

(In USD that's about $1307 today and 11 payments of $300)

Want to talk it over?

You can book a free 20 minute chat with Demi to see if Mystery School is the right fit for you.


Meet your Headmistress

Demelza Fox (Demi) is a practicing Priestess of Morgan le Fay who has been on the goddess path for 20 years. She works as a Priestess in her community - running rituals, circles, retreats, meditations, courses and dance classes in honour of the Goddess.

She created the Morgen le Fay Mystery School after participating in an Avalonian priestess training and finding a huge Morgana-shaped hole there. She embarked on an adventure of study to learn the arts of Morgan le Fay, training with shadow masters, potent priestesses and badass witches to bring the true depth of Avalon and the potent power of priestessing to you. 

She has trained under Katinka Soetens of the Magdalene Mystery School and Elayne Kalila Doughty in the 13 Moon Mystery School amongst many others. Demi is passionate about empowering smart, badass grounded women to step into their priestess path and rock out their spiritual power.

"I am in awe to experience and witness the unconditional love, acceptance, and magic that conjures in the sacred containers that Demi creates."

"Intuitively in Oneness with the Divine, Demi holds a safe and judgement free space for alchemy and transformation to occur. I’m full of gratitude for the quantum healing and wholeness I’ve experienced over the last 2 years in her Mystery Schools and beyond."

- Cynthia

"When I take a course from Demi, I never feel bad about myself for not being enough or doing enough."

"I've had the pleasure of taking several courses with Demi and count her teachings as one of the biggest influences on my spiritual practice and journey as a witch. The thing I love the most about Demi is how real she is. She has this gift of being able to straddle the chasm between being utterly pragmatic and also divinely magickal and she's so incredibly good at teaching others how to do the same. When I take a course from Demi, I never feel bad about myself for not being enough or doing enough. She's learned how to embody the divine through the mundanity of real life, which when it comes down to it, is what this work is all about."


"Demi can teach, and she is damn good at it!"

"Demi is approachable in every way and happy to share so much information--she doesn't put herself on a pedestal like some leaders do, and she clearly cares about her students and the material she is presenting. She's a delight. As a teacher myself, I know that not everyone is built to teach, even though many people think anyone can do it. Demi can do it, and she is damn good at it. I admire her very much from a professional and personal standpoint."

- Rose

"Demi is legitimately the BEST."

"She's completely nonjudgmental, she is great at letting you speak while also relating to your experiences and showing true empathy for whatever's going on in your life. She takes her priestess powers so seriously, when it comes to being a vessel to receive for others. Demi is full of life and happiness, and she doesn't hide that she has some shit she's dealing with, too. She doesn't put herself on a pedestal above her students. She's right there beside us, continuously learning from us as we learn from her."

- Stephanie

"Demi's generosity outshines most others!"

"I have been a fan of Demi's work for over 10 years. I found her while searching blogs in 2011 and have watched her unfold into the most bad ass Rockstar Priestess. Demi's generosity outshines most others, and her devotion to the priestess path truly serves folx from all walks of life

Need a fun loving-no BS guide? Want to tune into just how magickal and valuable you are? Ready to Tango into the void and welcome in Goddess nourishment? Woohoo! Because Demi has a lot of wisdom and fabulous rituals which can do that and more."

- V Murray

Meet your herb professor.

Suzanne O’Gara is our resident herbalist here to teach us the magic and medicine of herbs through this powerful year. No devotion to Morgan le Fay would be complete without study of her most famous craft!

Suzanne is a certified professional herbalist, trained by Joann Sanchez at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Tempe, Arizona. After working in several of the most infamous tea-houses in New York Suzanne decided to study herbalism and moved Massachusetts to open her own online and in-person tea shop and herbal remedy boutique called Alchemy of Avalon!

"I didn't know "Tea Witch" was a thing, but it IS and Suzanne is the High Priestess of it. It's something of a running joke that whatever brew she sets in front of you will cause you to exclaim, "I didn't know what I was craving but THIS IS EXACTLY what I was craving!" There are people who have a encyclopedic knowledge of herbs and a healer's touch. There are people who have a gourmand's palette and a creative streak in the kitchen. Suzanne has both and it is MAGIC. My personal favorite blend of hers is Anne Boleyn over ice, but I suggest asking the tea witch herself for a recommendation. It will be exactly what you didn't know you wanted."

Leesie Poolaka Scarlet of Hex Rated

Are you ready to initiate into the mysteries of the Goddess of Avalon?


When does the course start?

The course starts on the 27th October. There will be pre-work to read through and enjoy and play with as soon as you sign up because I know you will be soooo excited and eager to get started.

How long do I have access to this course?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as this class exists - across any and all devices you own.

OMG it looks a little full on... what if I fall behind?

Sound like a lot of stuff? I get that it looks a little overwhelming when it's all up there! I just want to re-assure you that it's not a prerequisite to come to or attend all the live classes - you can pick and choose what is calling to you or what you have space for in your busy life as the year unfolds, and that is completely perfect!

We have an Integration Week each season (two weeks over Christmas time, as I know the holiday season is way too crazy to keep up your studies like normal!) and the nature of the work means that even if you are not showing up for every class and every assignment, it is still working. You don't have to do spirituality perfectly for it to be powerful.

"Being able to see the growth and change in my sisters has been inspiring for me this year - I appreciate always being fully accepted in the sister group even after I disappear for months!" Rachel

Is it suitable for folks living in the southern hemisphere AKA Australia?

It’s certainly doable if you are super determined, but it’s not designed with the southern hemisphere in mind. We follow the northern seasons as inspired by the Celtic Wheel of the Year in the northern calendar, so it will be a bit backwards for you: when we celebrate glorious summer and the bounty of healer season, you will be wearing all your woolies at midwinter!

With that in mind, all these aspects of Morgan le Fay are available no matter the season, and the greater wheel of the solar year is reflected in the monthly lunar wheel… so it’s not impossible, but it’s not the most elegant for our Aussie witch friends. 

Is this class just for women?

This class is open to everyone who is comfy being in a respectful space that mostly centres women’s experiences. This work was originally created as a class for women, however in the years we have been running it we have been welcoming more and more folk who identify differently and adapting the work accordingly. Some of the work in this class centres women and women’s experiences, and on occasion we talk about female bodies and how to reframe the female body as a divine. We are adapting and changing so that we can better honour and serve Morgen devotees and priestesses of every gender.  

How is the class delivered?

I’m a writer, so most of the class takes place through gorgeous guidebooks that are packed with learning, assignments and ritual. Woohoo! It’s important to know it's NOT primarily a video-based learning class. We do have our regular live events on Zoom - usually every six weeks we have four live events you can come to.

When are the live classes?

We have four live classes each season (and a season is roughly six weeks) - Workshops and Rituals are on Wednesdays at 6pm London / 10am Los Angeles, Herbcraft Office Hours are Mondays in the afternoon/evening New York/EST (we see what time works best for the group) and Sister Circles will either be on Wednesdays or on Sunday nights - we will see what time best suits our current students!

Where do I go from here?

This course forms a part of the Morgan le Fay Mystery School Priestess Training College. After this powerful foundation year, if you desire you can go on to study in our Morgan le Fay Priestess Year, a comprehensive training of the ceremonial and community-building arts of the priestess + support to figure out how to do it all YOUR way.

What is the refund policy?

There are no refunds, so be sure you are all in for a year of enchantment before you sign up! If you would to talk to me (Demi) about if this is the right course for you, book in for a free no-pressure 25 minute chat where we will figure out if this is the best course of study for you right now.

Are you ready to walk the path of the Priestess?


See what our past sisters have to say:

This course is for you if feel the call of Avalon, if you feel like a walking contradiction, if you embrace the Witch (whether you call yourself a witch or not), if you love the shadows and aren't scared of power, if you crave sisterhood and are endlessly fascinated by the legends of King Arthur and the ladies of the lake...

...if you believe in the Fae and the healing power of nature...

...if you have a desire (or at least a strong curiosity) to blossom into a modern, real-world priestess...

...also, if you have shadow work you want to do and want a circle of support to do it in...if you resonate deeply with the water element...if you feel a kinship with crows and ravens...

Ya know? I would say that there are so many aspects to Morgana, and you don't have to "resonate" with all of them for this course to be right for you, but if you simply have a love of Avalon and what Morgan leFay represents and to want to revel in that for a whole year! Then it's PERFECT!"

- Suzanne

I took the Morgan Mystery School to learn more about Morgan le Fay and her different aspects. I got that and SO much more! In the last year with this course I have met my shadow and worked with her. This class guided me to dive deep. I'm learning to accept my shadow aspects and not be afraid of them, which has made me stronger.

In this course I learned that Morgan le Fay is a multi-faceted goddess, very ambiguous. She can do wonderful, selfless things, she can do some pretty crappy things, but she always remains true to herself. I feel that my relationship with her now is that she is a mentor and a guide to me.

Since dedicating as a Morgen Sister I feel like I have started a journey with Morgan le Fay as my mentor and guide. I am going deep into all aspects of myself, but I'm not doing it alone. It's very comforting.

The Mystery School is for someone who is willing to not just confront their shadow, but get to know her. It's for someone who wants to know and accept their entire self as they are. This isn't for self-improvement, it's for self-knowledge and recognizing and accepting your power."

- Amy, Sister of Morgan le Fay and Participant of the 2019 Sister Mystery School

When I began Mystery School, life-wise I had arrived, but spiritually I was searching. I had in vain tried to find a home in patriarchal religions, but it had never felt right. I'd felt a strong affinity both for Celtic history and spirituality, especially the feminine mysteries of Avalon, but I had no idea how these to would go together. I had no role model that fit me, my idea of learning and living, but I felt an inner urge for change.

During Mystery School, I felt challenged in the most positive ways. I was so curious after taking that leap and enrolling without knowing what to expect. Each season, each week gave me something to look forward to, something that fed my love of learning AND took me to places of myself I had no idea was there but also guided me to not be afraid and face the dark and step into an identity I did not know would be there for me

My biggest realization dawned on me some very quiet midwinter day that a priestess identity is not something out there, ancient, for others, but something I, with all my doubts and scepticism, could actually imagine to adopt and embody for myself. I still cannot believe that, if I am really honest. 

I have became much more true to myself, to the self that was dormant and which now that it has been woken will not be silenced again ever. 

- Anja

Demi is an honest, approachable, passionate and devout spirit, who I’ve come to know as not only a mentor but a close soul friend. She gives so many fucks about each person she works with and her passion and commitment to serve the goddess rings very true and sincere when working with her and going through Mystery School. Her gently nuanced way of teaching truly provokes lasting insight on self-sovereignty, magick and healing through the realms of Avalon. I highly recommend this course for anyone who wants to take off the training reigns and experience their own magick the way Morgana desires us to; intimately and by our own power."

- Hannah

"Demi is a BRILLIANT ceremonial priestess, and her Queen ritual at her Spellbound retreat was so potent and magical!

- Litha Rose Brucia

A Note from Demi

Hi Lovely! I do hope you join us on this adventure, and if you do you are in for one hell of a ride! I can’t wait to be working with you in our Sister Coven this year. 

Morgana and I are HERE for your transformation and ascension into awesomeness. I know Morgan le Fay inside and out - she’s my girl. My skill is that I can hold that Morgan energy for you to transform through your shadows and your light. 

I'm low on bullshit and high on practicality - it’s my inner Capricorn shining out - and I am going to

challenge you every step of the way to ground your magical, wild priestess soul in this reality, so you can make some freaking magic happen.

I am so passionate about training and supporting real-world effective priestesses, grounded women who know how to get shit done, share their work so it fulfils them, and create powerful real-life change. Powerful women. Amazing women. Total witchy badasses.

I see you. I know that you already have everything you need inside you. I see your magic, I see your power, and I see your truth, and Morgan and myself and your sisterhood of other incredible Morgan women on this course are just here to help coax it out. That’s the real magic of priestess training.

If you are feeling the call, if you are tempted and juuuust on the edge, reading this page has got you all excited and tingly and longing to walk that wild path with Morgana and your Sisters into Avalon, then reach out - email me or book in below to have a little chat with me.